I did get two little fruit hats finished. The Raspberry (pink) is a version of the Ann Norling Fruit Hat pattern with bigger bobbles than called for in the pattern. My mother-in-law requested it so send as a baby gift to friends in England. The pattern is wonderfully written and fun to knit, I highly recommend it!
The Pumpkin is my own design done in worsted weight, newborn size. Approximate gauge 4 st/in. I cast on 64 stitches on double pointed needles. I used size 5 but I knit v-e-r-y loosely, the rest of the world would probaby use size 7 needles.
I joined in the round and started by knitting in K1P1 rib for 4 rows. Switched to knit 7, purl 1 for 14 rounds. Then I knit 5, knit 2 together, purl 1 around. Each subsequent row I knit 1 less (k4, k2tog, p1; k3 k2tog, p1; etc...) When I was down to 7 stitches I switched to green and knit 9 rows then knit 2 together around and did 10 rounds. I finished the top by stitching the narrower portion in a circle like a curly pumpkin vine. One that has already been given away as a gift I crocheted a leaf and attached it to the stem.
I've also begun a heavily modified version of the Tangled Garden socks from Knitty. Since I knit so loosely I couldn't get the gauge called for in the pattern so I'm working on size 0 bamboo needles and have redone the chart. I'm using the yarn I dyed and talked about below. I like how the overdyed yarn is making large stripes. I'm not sure yet if the green is going to provide enough contrast to see the design.