The secret of the socks....
Knit into the top on a field of reverse stockinette is the Spider from Barbara Walker's Third Treasury.
Heels are garter stitch, short row from this article by Lucy Neatby from the INKnitters website. I added an extra two rows of garter before I started the second half of the heel. This seemed to make the line in the center of the heel, where the wraps are picked up easier to work and look neater. The jury is still out on whether the garter stitch will be comfortable to wear since I have freakishly sensitive foot bottoms.
In the garden is the reason why I keep my scrubby Scotch Broom plant around. Hubby threatens to cut it down every year but I know for a week each year it does this.
Don't let him cut it! What beautiful blooms. I like the interesting pattern you chose for your socks.
Linda just told me that you have a blog -- so cool! I'm excited to read about your projects and what you're up to. Your sock is way cool. I've been thinking I'd like to do Lucy's garter st heel on my current sock and knew it was in some magazine somewhere; thanks for saving me from looking through them all!
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